Saturday, 21 August 2010

Two Spotted Crakes

Well no, but two juv moorhens at south creake church ruins

Friday, 20 August 2010

White-winged Black Tern

Still there this morning saw it distantly from the railway sleeper pile next to the Konik Pony gate before the Rush Hills hide, It was on the main broad obviously distant and over the reeds left of the big pink house (if your going you'll know what I mean) and flew towards the Pleasure Boat Inn before dropping below the reed line and out of view. Also if the person that went passed on the boat at about 8.15 reads this you'd missed it by about 15mins this morning.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Lesser Grey Shrike

The Video is now available to watch by clicking here

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

The Calm After The Storm

Well what a weekend was lucky enough to catch up with that little Icterine Warbler on the point at the second time of asking as well as Redstart and Whinchat. Also seeing a Arctic Skua off on the sea was a bonus. Well that was all on Sunday where as Saturday I saw the Spotted Flycatchers again possibly two pairs, maybe, with one young fledged.

As for the Sunday it start late as have had man flu with the added bonus of too much stomach acid (Joy of Joys) so had a lie in. Got wind of the Icterine Warbler near the boat from Adam do headed straight there, met up with him half way along Blakeney point and only saw a dark looking Locustella which had to be a Grasshopper Warbler but could never be sure as it was clinging to the deck in the strong winds. We then headed back for some lunch at the Dun Cow where I was lucky enough to spot the Common Crane flying in, and also saw Tufted Duck, Gadwall and Sandwich Tern. A drive by birder pointed out three Spoonbill flying past as he went along the road. Thank You who ever you are.

After lunch I head out along the point again this time seeing Whinchat along route to halfway house. By the time I arrived all other birders had given up the chase for the Icterine Warbler but I carried on anyway pishhing all the sweuda in hope. I gave up near halfway house and headed back towards the boat and just off the ridge a Redstart popped out and soon disappeared behind nearby bushes.

I then got towards the boat and to be honest I really needed a pee so went deep into the sweuda to relieve myself when the lemon faced warbler finally showed itself. It showed only for a few seconds before diving back into deep cover from the wind but never mind it was a alright view.

But now its Tuesday and I have found myself watching another great bird at Kelling. This being the Lesser Grey Shirke. Me and Claire arrived and saw it really well, at first it was flying around catching insects as they flew passed. It soon become lazy though and just sat next to a post the flying Ants had decided to use a a take off point and picked them off before they flew away.

The lively, respected Lesser Grey Shrike

Lazy Begger - eating Ants (like fast food)

Monday, 2 August 2010

Hooded Crow - Norfolk Lifer

Saturday the Hooded Crow was relocated after being seen the week or so before. I got home and picked up James a we set off. We arrived at Salthouse and we were soon put onto the bird though distant from the back roads near Salthouse heath it then flew and landed in a closer but still distant tree. We got our fill and moved on.

We then headed to Cley to see the Spoonbills and managed to get all 17 which was brilliant.

We also got views of Green Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Greenshank and Spotted Redshank, and these Swallows and Sand Martins.

A quick stop at the Dun Cow we saw Linnet, Barn Owl and a Hobby.