Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Scilly Last Day

Last day on Scilly's had an early boat to St Martins that we decided to catch after news of a Little Bunting the previous evening.
We arrived and headed straight to the site at higher town beach where the bunting had been seen no sign of the bunting but I heard a bird that I knew as Richards Pipit (297) which eventually I picked up in flight and then landed next to us.
After obtaining great views and getting some pics we put the news out (on pager as cb wasn't being heard) one other birder arrived and we failed to see the Richards again before news of a Red-flanked bluetail in middle Town.
We marched off and got great view before the real crowds arrived. After this we walked the Island before heading back seeing only the Red-throated Diver.
We headed up the Garrison for the afternoon seeing only 2 harbour porpiose and a Manx Shearwater. Also saw Raven on Martins. All in all been a good trip and tomorrow Green Heron awaits my arrival.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Day 4 an easy day

After the 15 mile trek around the island yesterday my foot did not feel all that great, we started at Porthloo where we saw the Bar-tailed Godwit, news of a Dartford Warbler at the Garrison had us heading in that direction, we saw the Turtle Dove again at Porth Mellon.
We eventually made it up the Garrison and there had been no sign of the Dartford, we scopede Samson from the Star Castle and managed to see 6 Shelduck, Spoonbill and a Fulmar. We then went for a look over the top to see what we could see.
I spotted a bird dive into nearby brambles so I sent Adam in to have a look. What I had spotted was actully a Wryneck that then showed really well.
We continued round the Garrison and saw the much talked about white Blackbird I have heard about this for the last three years but had never actully seen it. I managed to pick up the 1w Med Gull in Porth Cressa. We head back to town done some shopping and went to Peninnis.
On the way up a quick detour to see some Lapland Buntings had me nearly standing on them (opps) they then continued to show well.
The rest of the day was spent sea watching and after 2 hours we clocked up loads of Gannets, 1 Puffin (296), 1 auk sp, 2 Kittiwake, 1 ad Med Gull and a Common Dolphin (which reminds me I saw a Harbour Porpiose first thing)

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Day 3

After further reports of the Subalpine Warb yesterday we headed for Mount Todden farm and found the spot where it was seen. On the way up we saw the Turtle Dove at Porthloo, during our two hour stay at the trial we saw 31 Fieldfare and a Common Buzzard but no Subalpine. We did also hear a Raven but it called from behind trees.
We then head to longstones and had lunch and on to lower moors where we heard Crossbill fly over and got ace views of Jack and Common Snipe and a Greenshank. After this we went to Pennins Head where lots of pipits and Swallow were. We had a look for the Wryneck but had no luck but did see the Red-throated Diver.
It was now pub time so we headed to the Atlantic where we saw Grey Wagtail and Sparrowhawk then at 5.30 a Richards Pipit was seen at Giants Castle but on the way the Subalpine was seen again so we went straight there. I arrived with foot in pain and out of breath but managed good but brief views of the Subalpine Warbler (295) on the way there we did see a Merlin.

Day 2

The second day of our Scilly adventure had us heading up to the airfield. We arrived there with no sign of the American Golden Plover, but 13 Skylark and a handfull of Wheatear present. We then headed down to Porth Hellick pools where a Kingfisher sat briefly and two Water Rail showed well, just before leaving a Jack Snipe bobbed into view.
News of the plover back on the airfield had us going back up there. We got there just in time to see the American Golden Plover (293) fly off before a plane got it. We wait a few minutes before it returned to show really well.
We then headed to the quay to get the boat to St Agnes.
On Agnes a quick dash to the Parsonage and a small wait before we saw a Pied Fly and then the Red-eyed Vireo (294).
We wondered back to the boat and popped in the Alantic for a quick drink where we were able to scope the Common Sandpiper on Porthloo beach.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Scilly Day 1 - the lucky Starling

We arrived on Scilly's 11 hours after leaving at 9.00 our plan was to go St Martins to see Tawny Pipit and Melodious Warbler. Dumping the gear in the B&B we had a brief look in the harbour and caught the boat along with 100 other birders.
News of both expected species being negative wasn't the start we were hoping for. We arrived at Higher town and saw the Red-Breasted Flycatcher (my 289 for the year), whilst there news that the Melodious was seen seemed sketchy but we headed that way.
Along the way strugling to walk we were not seeing much but a turn of events when a Starling flock took off and one luckily shat on Adams head.
We shortly after saw the elusive Common Rosefinch (290), Greenshanks and Sanderling. Then by the Campsite we had at least 3 Firecrest and further along 2 more. We stopped at the pub for a bite to eat and added Redwing, Chiffchaff, Sanderling and a Spotted Flycatcher.
I had just started my second pint when news of the Tawny Pipit (291) at the beach came over the radio, which we went to see and got lucky before it flew off along the beach.
We then head back to the pub to search for the Melodious Warbler nr the pub we watched the tree for 30mins before it is found the other side of the pub we obtained great views (292 and my 397 lifer) before the crowds arrived and then went down to the pub and I got even better views adding the bird to the pub list.
We then saw a male Common Scoter the had a large amount of yellow on its bill but was only common, and from the B&B I saw a fly through Barnacle Goose.

Scilly Day 1 - the lucky Starling

We arrived on Scilly's 11 hours after leaving at 9.00 our plan was to go St Martins to see Tawny Pipit and Melodious Warbler. Dumping the gear in the B&B we had a brief look in the harbour and caught the boat along with 100 other birders.
News of both expected species being negative wasn't the start we were hoping for. We arrived at Higher town and saw the Red-Breasted Flycatcher (my 289 for the year), whilst there news that the Melodious was seen seemed sketchy but we headed that way.
Along the way strugling to walk we were not seeing much but a turn of events when a Starling flock took off and one luckily shat on Adams head.
We shortly after saw the elusive Common Rosefinch (290), Greenshanks and Sanderling. Then by the Campsite we had at least 3 Firecrest and further along 2 more. We stopped at the pub for a bite to eat and added Redwing, Chiffchaff, Sanderling and a Spotted Flycatcher.
I had just started my second pint when news of the Tawny Pipit (291) at the beach came over the radio, which we went to see and got lucky before it flew off along the beach.
We then head back to the pub to search for the Melodious Warbler nr the pub we watched the tree for 30mins before it is found the other side of the pub we obtained great views (292 and my 397 lifer) before the crowds arrived and then went down to the pub and I got even better views adding the bird to the pub list.
We then saw a male Common Scoter the had a large amount of yellow on its bill but was only common, and from the B&B I saw a fly through Barnacle Goose.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Round Up

Thats it folks just as Stuart White complimented on how well I have manged to keep up with the Norfolk Year List (at the Willodious Warbler) whislt working full time, I get my foot in plaster a few days later, so any chances (although they were slim) of getting that are out the window having missed the OB Pipit and Red-flanked Bluetail but never mind I still have my target of 300 national the year closing in and as I am about to travel to Scilly tonight I hope to add a few more maybe even get the big three double O whilst I am there (and on the way back). Oh by the way had plaster off yesterday but still on crutches which will be fun.

Haven't updated for a while but heres a picture summary of whats been happening to me.

Also had a great afternoon sitting around the Shangri-la at Waxham watch hundreds of Goldcrests, Bramblings, Siskins and Redwings all flicking through.