Had some time to do some birding, so I picked up Adam and headed for Marlingford. Upon arrival I spotted a Red Kite flying away.
It was this Red Kite according to other birders had driven the American Wigeon into hiding. After 10mins or so of watching a few Wigeon popped out and eventually I spotted the American Wigeon and got everyone on to it.
It was also nice to see Nuthatch, Treecreeper and a pair of Grey Wagtail.
From here we headed for Titchwell with some good birds on offer, Scaup, Smew, Velvet Scoter and my target bird Mandarin all to try and find.
A quick stop on the way at Chosley had us watching a flock or around 40 Yellowhammer and 20 Corn Bunting.

We got to Titchwell and wandered to the Island Hide, we scanned the Freshmarsh but had no luck find the Mandarin or the Scaup, after further scanning we moved on.
On the Brackish Marsh 3 Spotted Redshank were showing well but there was no sign of the Smew.
Having seen nothing that we had hoped for I didn't hold out for seeing much on the sea.
But within seconds of getting the scope up I was on the Velvet Scoter and then with a single scan I picked up the Drk Scaup with the Golden Eye and four Long-tailed Ducks.
After this we walked back and on the Brackish Marsh the Smew was showing.
We then went to the parrinder hide to scan some more for the elusive Mandarin with no luck we were just about to leave as Adam shout look and pointed to the sky, I was expecting a Bird of Prey but he had just found a Sand Martin (this was at 3.30 so could be a second bird to the one seen at 12.10?) which is my earliest ever record.
We then wondered back and I decided one last scan from the path, I scanned all the way around and then I spotted it, the Female Mandarin in the reed right next to the Island Hide.

We had a quick look at the Arctic Redpoll before heading home.