I had a chance after the last times trapping to have another go myself but this time all night, here is what I got if any are wrong let me know.
Common Footman
Dotted Oak Knot-horn
Common Rustic
Common Rustic also
Dark Arches
Large Yellow Underwing
Lesser Common Rustic
I know this can be had to tell but net to the Common Rustic it looked smaller the the markings seemed to match those in the book.
Lesser Swallow Prominent
Wiband Wave
Ringed China-Mark
Rosy Tabby
Scalloped Hook Tip
White Satin
I caught some of the same from the time before but here are the numbers Common Footman 4, Lesser Swallow Prominent 3, Dark Arches 8, White Satin 1, Scalloped Hook Tip 3, Common Rustic 6, Large Yellow Underwing 13, Lesser Broad Boarded Yellow Underwing 4, Yellow Shell 1, Mother of Pearl 4, Fanfoot 3, Broad-boarded Yellow Underwing 3, Uncertain 1, Lesser Common Rustic 1, Riband Wave 1, Rosy Tabby 1, Ringed China-Mark 1 and Dotted Oak Knot-horn 1.
Then last weekend I got to see this Herald in Bacton.