Sunday, 27 July 2014

Butterflies and a Moth (Camberwell Beauty)

I went to Cley to see the Silvery Gem and just so it wasn't a trip to see a moth I stopped of at Salthouse Heath and Holt Country Park to see some butterflies.

Highlight has to be the Camberwell Beauty, although all four sightings were brief it was great to see it. Couldn't get any pictures though as total time I saw it stationary probably added up to 2 seconds.

I was impress with the number of butterfly species seen though and here they are.

Red Admiral
White Admiral



Small White
Large White

Painted Lady

Small Tortoiseshell
Large Skipper
Small Skipper
Essex Skipper

Common Blue

Silver Studded Blue
Speckled Wood


Meadow Brown


Silver Washed Fritillary

Small Copper

Small Heath
Camberwell Beauty

Also saw Turtle Dove and Hobby at Salthouse and this at Holt

And a Giant Grashopper

and a smaller one

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Garden Moths of June

I know its near the end of July but who really cares if this is a June update.

I caught a total of 2090 moths during June a total of 139 species. 95 Macro and 44 Micro. 28 Garden lifers of which 14 were Macro and 14 were Micro.

I ran the trap all night a total of 15 times during June

As with previous updates here is a list of all moths caught and the total number for the month, and in brackets the highest number caught, also the number of times caught.

Angle Shades, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Barred Yellow, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Beautiful Hook-tip, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

Bird's Wing, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Bright-Line Brown-eye, Total - 4, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 3
Brimstone, Total - 26, Highest - 6, Number of Times - 12
Broad-barred White, Total - 8, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

Brown Rustic, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Brown Silver Line, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Buff Arches, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Buff Ermine, Total - 20, Highest - 6, Number of Times - 9
Buff-tip, Total - 7, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 5
Buttoned Snout, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Cabbage Moth, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Cinnabar, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Clouded Boarder, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Clouded Silver, Total - 3, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 3
Common Emerald, Total - 2, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 1
Common Footman, Total - 35, Highest - 9, Number of Times - 10
Common Marbled Carpet, Total - 15, Highest - 8, Number of Times - 6
Common Pug, Total - 41, Highest - 6, Number of Times - 14
Common Swift, Total - 4, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 2
Common White Wave, Total - 2, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 1
Currant Pug, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Dark Arches, Total - 71, Highest - 14, Number of Times - 14
Dot Moth, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Double Square Spot, Total - 49, Highest - 15, Number of Times - 13
Double-striped Pug, Total - 12, Highest - 8, Number of Times - 4
Dusky Brocade, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Dwarf Cream Wave, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Elephant Hawk Moth, Total - 7, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 4
Fan-foot, Total - 6, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 3
Figure of Eighty, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Flame  , Total - 113, Highest - 21, Number of Times - 14
Flame Sholder, Total - 20, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 10
Foxglove Pug, Total - 13, Highest - 7, Number of Times - 4
Freyer's Pug, Total - 4, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 4
Garden Carpet, Total - 15, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 8
Green Carpet, Total - 4, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 2
Green Pug, Total - 5, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 4
Grey Dagger, Total - 9, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 5
Grey Pine Carpet, Total - 5, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 3
Grey Pug, Total - 2, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Heart and Club, Total - 17, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 6
Heart and Dart, Total - 615, Highest - 72, Number of Times - 15
Large Yellow Underwing, Total - 26, Highest - 7, Number of Times - 9
Least Black Arches, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Light Arches, Total - 4, Highest - 4, Number of Times - 1
Light Emerald, Total - 4, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 3
Lime Hawkmoth, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Marbled Minor, Total - 15, Highest - 6, Number of Times - 9
Middle-barred Minor, Total - 9, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 5 Lifer

Mottled Beauty, Total - 3, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 2 Garden Lifer

Mottled Pug, Total - 8, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 6
Mottled Rustic, Total - 19, Highest - 4, Number of Times - 9
Nutmeg, Total - 3, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 3
Pale Mottled Willow, Total - 10, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 5
Pale Prominent, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Pebble Hook Tip, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Peppered Moth, Total - 15, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 6
Pine Hawkmoth, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Poplar Grey, Total - 3, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 3 Lifer

Privet Hawk Moth, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Red-necked Footman, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Riband Wave, Total - 17, Highest - 4, Number of Times - 8
Rustic, Total - 36, Highest - 12, Number of Times - 7
Rustic Shoulder-knot, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Scalloped Hazel, Total - 4, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 4
Scarce Footman, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Scarce Silver-lines, Total - 5, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 1
Setaceous Hebrew Character, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Shuttle-shaped Dart, Total - 10, Highest - 7, Number of Times - 4
Silver Y, Total - 3, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 2
Small Angel Shades, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Small Blood-Vein, Total - 6, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 3
Small Dusty Wave, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Small Fan-foot, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1

Small Rivulet, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Small Square-spot, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Snout, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Spectacle, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Straw Dot, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Swallow-tailed Moth, Total - 4, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 3
Sycamore, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Garden Lifer

Tawny Marbled Minor, Total - 3, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 2
Treble Bar, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Treble Brown Spot, Total - 5, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 4
Treble Lines, Total - 4, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 3
True Lovers Knot, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Uncertain, Total - 18, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 8
Varied Coronet, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Vine's Rustic, Total - 11, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 7
White Ermine, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

Willow Beauty, Total - 30, Highest - 6, Number of Times - 13
Yellow Shell, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix - Pandemis Cerasana, Total - 31, Highest - 9, Number of Times - 10
Barred Marble - Celypha Striana, Total - 6, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 5
Beautiful Plume - Amblyptilia acanthadactyla, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Bee Moth - Aphomia Sociella, Total - 10, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 4
Brown House Moth - Hofmannophila Pseudospretella, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Bud Moth - Spilonota ocellana, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Cinereous Groundling - Bryotropha Terrella, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

Codling Moth - Cydia Pomonella, Total - 16, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 10
Common Flat-body - Agonopterix Heracliana, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Common Grey - Scoparia Ambigualis, Total - 56, Highest - 10, Number of Times - 12
Common Marble - Celypha Lacunana, Total - 13, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 6
Common Plume - Emmelina Monodactyla, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Cypress Tip Moth - Argyresthia Cupressella, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Diamond Back Moth - Plutella Xylostella, Total - 7, Highest - 4, Number of Times - 3
Dingy Dowd - Blastobasis adustella, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Dotted Oak Knot-horn - Phycita Roborella, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Elder Pearl - Anania coronata, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Flax Tortrix - Cnephasia asseclana, Total - 3, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

Garden Grass-Veneer - Chrysoteuchia Culmella, Total - 192, Highest - 60, Number of Times - 9
Garden Pebble - Evergestis forficalis, Total - 6, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 4
Grass Veneer - Crambus Pascuella, Total - 142, Highest - 27, Number of Times - 12
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix - Archips podana, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Large Ivy Tortrix - Lozotaenia forsterana, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

Light Brown Apple Moth - Epiphyas Postvittana, Total - 65, Highest - 10, Number of Times - 15
Little Grey - Eudonia lacustrata, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

London Dowd - Blastobasis Lacticolella, Total - 12, Highest - 4, Number of Times - 8
Long-horned Flat-body - Carcina quercana, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Marbled Orchard Tortrix - Hedya nubiferana, Total - 14, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 6 Lifer

Meadow Grey - Scoparia pyralella, Total - 3, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 3 Garden Lifer

Orange Pine Tortrix - Lozotaeniodes formosanus, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Plum Tortrix - Hedya pruniana, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer (No Picture)
Privet Tortrix - Clepsis Consimilana, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2 Lifer

Red-barred Tortrix - Ditula angustiorana, Total - 5, Highest - 2, Number of Times - 4 Lifer

Ringed China-Mark - Parapoynx stratiotata, Total - 2, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 2
Rough-winged Conch - Phtheochroa rugosana, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Small Grey - Eudonia Mercurella, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Small Magpie - Eurrhypara hortulata, Total - 9, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 5
Spruce Argent - Argyresthia glabratella, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

Triple-blothched Bell - Notocelia Trimaculana, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer

White Plume - Pterophorus Pentadactyla, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
White-shouldered House Moth - Endrosis Sarcitrella, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1
Yellow Oak Button - Aleimma Loeflingiana, Total - 3, Highest - 3, Number of Times - 1
Yellow Satin Veneer - Crambus perlella, Total - 7, Highest - 5, Number of Times - 3 Lifer

Yellow-backed Cloths Moth - Monopis obviella, Total - 1, Highest - 1, Number of Times - 1 Lifer