Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Blakeney and two great mornings on the Patch

4th Visit to Ebridge 19th March

An unbelievable 3 species for the year added to the whole patch year list, and a whopping 17 new species for the area.

I got on site well before dawn, and with only enough light to just about see I headed off.

Reed Buntings were in full song as I walked along the river.

Water Rail were also around creeping along the edge of the reed beds.

Teal were flying off from the river with a Total of 12 birds seen, the first seen at the site this year. Two Tawny Owls flew into the woods another new bird for the site.

I managed to sneak up on this Chinese Water Deer to get this picture.

Also saw Red & Roe Deer and a Water Vole.

Next a new bird for the year on the patch as Two Egyptian Geese flew over. Follow by the 100th bird on the patch as a Gadwall took off the from the far end of the river, the first ever for the site.

I then stood at the far end of the river as it got light, this is where I added most of the new birds for the site this year as they started to become active.

Redwing flew over, Yellowhammer started to sing, Coal Tit, Long-tailed Tit and Goldcrest started to move around the bushes.

Greylag, Mallard, Herring Gull and a patch year tick Lesser Black-backed Gull also flew over.

These Cormorants were also new for the site.


Before walking back Great Spotted Woodpeckers started to drum nearby, and two Brambling flew in.

Walking back this Heron flew over....

....and this Mute Swan gave a swim past.

The last bird seen of note and new for the year at the site was a Sparrowhawk.

A fantastic early spring dawn visit.

Ebridge species seen this visit 51!!! total for the year 61.


After the patch visit I had work to do but luckily this was finished by lunch so I headed to Blakeney Fresh Marsh.

In the car park was this very showy Jackdaw.

I then walked along the sea wall seeing Teal..

Little Egret....

and Redshank.

Large flocks of both Curlew and Oystercatcher were in the harbour.

I then arrived at the Lapland Bunting site and was straight onto the birds. Someone has kindly but some seed down to allow people some amazing views.

Probably saw around 8 birds but never at the same time a definite 6.

It wasn't just the Lapland Bunting that impressed me.

With Skylark giving great views to.

 A small flock of Chaffinch also showed well with strangely 5 females and 1 male. 

A few Reed Buntings also came down to the seed almost in their full spring finery.

A Marsh Harrier flew over scaring every bird up into the air from the Buntings to the Brent Geese.

This Rock Pipit dropped in for a while before moving on.


This Black-headed Gull is nearly ready for spring.

After Blakeney I went for a walk around the nearby heathlands with this Linnet the only bird I saw.

9th Visit to Pigney's Wood 20th March

I got out early again. Early birds were the usual Blackbird, Robin and Song Thrush singing the night away.

A Water Rail was sat out in the open briefly, Munjac and Roe Deer were also around

A surprising 7 Buzzards then took off from the wood and drifted away.

A part from the above showy Song Thrush this Barn Owl was the real highlight of the morning.

Did have Tawny Owl and two pairs of Great Spotted Woodpecker, the Nuthatch was also around.

Pigney's species seen this visit 45 total for the year 68.

Total species on the patch this year 101.

Monday, 14 March 2016

Sheringham and the Patch

On Saturday, I had to pop to Cromer so headed down to Sheringham after, in hope of seeing the Purple Sandpiper.

Didn't see it the tide was out which I think never helps as then the people come out.

The Turnstones were showing well and at one point one actually hopped on my leg.

I also found this female Eider that was very close inshore.

She seemed tired and slept for the most part.

But did wake up and started feeding before I left.

7th Visit to Trimingham 12th March 

Not a bad start with this Buzzard perched up.

Although bird numbers seemed down I actually added 5 Ticks for the Timingham part for the patch.

Nothing unusual but surprising to be adding Great Spotted Woodpecker, Rook and Long-tailed tit so late into the year.

And the other two added were the Wintering Brambling and the Summering(ish) Chiffchaff.

Trimingham species seen this visit 34, total seen 64

8th Visit to Pigney's Wood

All was incredibly quiet at the woods as I walked around. Not many birds about, nothing calling, nothing singing.

Then I had one of them random 5 mins you get every now in then with birding where a group of quality birds appear at once.

I first stumble upon these Goosander..

Then this Sparrowhawk flies over...

A Kingfisher calls and lands out of sight in a nearby tree, a Great Spotted Woodpecker then drums and last but not least a Tawny Owl starts calling.

After this birds kept cropping up making the quiet day a worth while visit.

These Mute Swans seemed rather unsettled and kept fly around.

Then this Heron gave a fly past.

Water Rail started screaming in the reeds and a Cetti's Warbler sat up gave a blast of song and dived back into the reeds.

Plenty of Great Tits seemed to be paired up, along with Long-tailed Tits and Blue Tits.

Then on of the last birds of the day was the Chiffchaff that has been here all winter, this is the first and only photo I have managed.

Pigneys species seen this visit 43 total for the year 65.

No new birds for the whole patch so total still stands at 98.

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Week in Pictures

Just a few pictures taken before work this week....

a good week.