Have had Adam round painting so I treated him to lunch a quick cheesey chips and a pint at the Poachers in Bacton/Walcott Red-Throated Divers everywhere on the Sea were a new Pub bird and not long before leaving I had a Purple Sandpiper on the slipway looking towards Bacton with a single Turnstone.
Also done the Big Garden Birdwatch today and my count was as follow's. Sparrowhawk 1, Robin 2, Long-tailed Tit 7, Chaffinch 11, Wood Pigeon 8, Blackbird 7, Dunnock 3, Greenfinch 27, House Sparrow 7, Brambling 3 (was 10 last week), Collard Dove 2, Blue Tit 2, Coal Tit 2, Goldfinch 6, Great Tit 2.
29 minutes ago
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